Friday, April 13, 2012


May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!

Just so I and all the other Clan members, can get a better image if what you all look like (if you even know this blog exists, lol) please click here and "Create a Cat." After you do, please email the picture to me at 
To save the picture (on PC, I'm not sure how to do it on  a Mac, sorry) you hold down FN and then press END/ PRTSC while holding first button said. Then you paste it into a Paint document and save it! 
I will put them on the new page at the top so we can all see them.
(If you do not have an email, I understand and we will make due. :3 )

Mrrow! Meow! Mew! Moo?

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